Wednesday, June 14, 2017

FAQ on Teaching English in China

Question: "What do I need to know about teaching English as a Foreign Language, in China?

Answer:  This amazing FAQ. Some sample questions and answers:

You said I can't work in China on an F visa, but I know someone who has. Are you sure you can't?
Yes, it's illegal. Though they rarely check on you for your permits and other items, you are playing with fire and can get burned. None of the Moderators of /r/TEFL recommend this as to the illegality of it and the many stories of people who have had problems because of working on a F or L visa (not being paid, working in bad conditions, blackmail, lying from supervisors, etc.)
Can I work in China without a four year degree or TEFL certification?
In the past this was not an issue, but as of September 1, 2013, the rules have changed that all foreign teachers in China must have at least a four year degree and TEFL certificate. Though many may be able to get past the certificate, you will not be able to get in without a copy of your degree sent to your employer for your invitation letter.
Can I use Facebook, Youtube, or twitter in China?
Currently the Chinese government blocks certain websites for political and commercial reasons. You will need a VPN to access these sites. check /r/china for a list of quality VPNs that will allow you to jump the Great Firewall of China.
I'm not a white, blue-eyed, western person. Can I still get a job in China
Comment from /u/Whiskey_McSwiggens
Much much more difficult. I am Chinese american with several years of experience and a graduate degree in science with another one on the way in education. I got passed over for many jobs because I don't look the part for a foreigner. Blacks get it bad too as a lot of drug culture and negative shit is associated with them. Chinese people basically look down on every race except whites, which they treat like gods. I got my gf a job at the place I worked in because she was white (I was hired by the American hr person). My gf is Irish and the Chinese admins didn't know where Ireland was, what Ireland was, or if she spoke English. She was hired as soon as they saw her and promptly fired the Filipino that they had hired for the last 3 years. We even negotiated her salary.

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